Harvest Ministries

Harvest Ministries was born out of a deep and compelling desire to bring the people living in the Telangana region of India, out of the centuries-old darkness to the light of the Gospel. Under the leadership of Caleb Rayapati, a team of twenty-five indigenous pastors has undertaken a thoroughly holistic approach to reaching this region for Christ.

The Vijaylaxmi Memorial StoneBridge School is a long-time dream of Caleb’s. This expansion of Harvest Ministries into the field of education allows them to go deeper in community transformation since most of the students at the school will be coming from the towns and districts currently served by the Harvest pastors. Educating the students in these communities brings health and hope to the families that live in them.

Invest in a Student, Change a Generation

Bridge To India

Bridge to India is a child sponsorship program from Harvest Ministries that connects students in India with a "godparent" who invests financially and relationally to help a child realize their full potential. Bridge to India’s students receives a Christian, English-speaking education in a boarding school environment in the state of Telangana in India.

What does your sponsorship contribute to?

  • Christian, English-speaking education
  • Room and Board
  • Medical Needs
  • Textbooks and School Supplies
  • Uniforms
  • And much more!